
By lucia13


Thanks a lot my friends for so many nice comments about the Cottage. I am glad you enjoyed it. I hope I will painting it in the future .

Today was dry so we went to the beach and the port at Felixtowe eventually . It was not raining but the day was grey. The beach was empty only this seagull around and a few children. I saw this seagull caught a fish and was very enthusiastically eating it so I was sitting down waiting what would happen and she was eating the lunch in front of me . I have never seen this so I enjoyed it and I am happy to share it with you.

I hope that tomorrow the sun will shine a little bit! We are planning to go to Colchester in Essex.

I am exhausted. I can't write anymore today. Sorry I couldn't see all your pics today but maybe tomorrow.

Have a nice day and smile again !

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