Journey Through Time

By Sue

White Columbine/Aquilegia

I think we better appreciate these delicate flowers while we can. Their time in the sun (or rain?) is nearing it's end.

I went to the mall today to return something at JCPenney or JCP as they want to be called now. While I was there I decided to try this new sushi restaurant that went in our mall a while back. I was alone, but what the heck. If I don't try these things myself, I will never get there. Bill isn't that adventurous and neither is my aunt. So, the nice girl showed me how it worked. So I looked at the menu and then watched the moving sushi plates move past me on their little track, much like the conveyer belts at the airport. Have you ever seen these or tried these kinds of sushi places? I went for the California Roll as I knew I liked those. Then I totally went wild and tried something else that I'd never had before. I really enjoyed both items. And for about $3.50 I had a lovely little lunch. I will try it again. Anybody want to go with me? OH, and the other day auntie and I went to the Indian restaurant for their lunch buffet and I tried GOAT! With all the spices, it just tasted like meat. Oh, Anthony Bourdain (world traveler who experiences all sorts of food) would be so proud.

A mixed bag day, a bit of rain, a bit of sun, and repeat.

And thank you so much for all the kind comments about my 15 minutes of fame. I appreciate that. But, this was to encourage YOU to post to their site, if you wish.

See ya.

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