Nicole's odd life

By oddlife

AWOOOOOGGGAAA! We have a crawler!

Finally he gets that you need to move your hands FORWARDS to get anywhere!

Crappy still from a video today as Matt was with my mum all day.

I had an NHS post interview. It went well, so just playing the waiting game now. :)

After lunch, Mark and I painted the fence. We painted and painted for hours and it was deathly boring. I think Mark would have gladly stabbed himself with the pointy bit of his paintbrush several times.

The kids in the park talking to us were funny though:

"Do you know Noah? He's 8 months old?.....oh no, you'd never see him, he's very busy"

Other highlights included stupid man shouting at his dog constantly " LUCY! SHUT UP!!" Dog, continues to bark. Repeat hundreds of times. Even I could tell it wasn't working. Think I may put a note through his door to that effect.

Lovely day outside weather wise though and the fence is ruddy well done! :)

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