
By fitzbilly

Wildflower Verges ....

.... by Northleach Town Council.

I'm assuming this sign was put there by some wag, as a comment on the lack of any tidying or cutting back of the verges. In the main we are OK with this policy, though in a few places further up the road everything is so overgrown that you can't walk on the path and have to walk along the main road.

I had decided to go for a walk this afternoon in search of poppies, but most of the ones I found were way past their best. There were lots of other good specimens though, and a few flies, bugs and butterflies as well.

We'd been stuck in all day waiting on a couple of phone calls. I took the opportunity this morning to trim back the creeper that grows up the front of the house, before it got too hot. I used my new ladder pads which worked well on the uneven lawn. I don't like ladders!

Update: I forgot to say that a Spitfire flew directly over head this morning. There was a fabulous silhouette as it banked, but alas I couldn't get to the camera in time.

One year ago:
Generous Gardener
We decided to move this rose in the end. It seems to be bedded in well in its new location and there are buds, but no flowers yet.
And on the subject of Gigagclear we walked past their newly installed cabinet this afternoon. Something inside is making one helluva racket. I wonder if someone should tell them.

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