Grace Under Fire

Day 6
A full days drive in the back seat of the truck, not with sister today, but with the cutest little two-headed monster you ever did see! We learned and practiced finger spelling and some sign language, we giggled and laughed and played little games and ate apples and even tried cucumber. We made faces into the cell phone camera to send to Uncle Contraptioneer, and had an all around good time.

We traveled as companion vehicles with my niece and her husband and us, and were glad to be there all together to problem solve as their vehicle overheated and ended up having to be towed into Carlsbad, NM, where we planned to spend a bit of time.

Where love abounds, grace abounds all the more. I felt grateful to be in the company of so many patient and lovely people as we waited along side the highway for a tow truck in the heat. The children did what children do....looked for pretty rocks, asked for snacks, passed time, all laying on their tummy's on gramma's bed in the trailer, listening to big sister read a comic book, and generally being delightful.

Soon, we were loaded up and on our way again, one vehicles in tow, and all 11 of us in one vehicle, this time. Overall, we had a "hang out" day together, and it really doesn't matter where it is, or what we're doing, it's just good to be together.

Our Journey starts here.

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