
By KateH

Anglesey wedding trip

Up super-early in the way one does when one has to get going early.  Beautiful in the early morning and I could have used any numbers photos of flowers in the green and gold.  

Went to Mum’s at 8.45 and spent half an hour wrangling the Railcard app on Mum’s phone with the result that we had to dash for the train.  It was a hot journey via Euston and Chester to Bangor where we were met by Jono and then swung by Waitrose where Vik was already shopping for dinner.  I had been tracking his progress in the car, with the luggage, alongside ours and we were quite frequently neck and neck 

We are staying in what is probably an old farmhouse near the beach at Moelfre with Mum, B & C and the babies and the dog and us.  All very jolly.  This is the view out to sea.  When I got in I had to do a call and one of those on the call is from these parts.  She obviously knew I was staying on Anglesey but when I showed her the view she knew exactly where…

V and I cooked shepherds pie for dinner,  with broccoli and tomatoes and strawberries and cream. Classic nosh. 

Sadly the rain started and looks a bit set in for the wedding day. 

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