Maid in Wales

By welshmaid50

Breakfast Yuk!!

We were up early today as i had to go to the doctors for routine blood test results. As we didn't have time for breakfast we decided to go to Sainsbury's & ordered two big breakfasts with two coffee's. We waited 25 minutes by which time we had drunk the coffee's. When it eventually arrived , on close inspection the sausages were only cooked on the underside, the bacon was cold & the fat was white, the beans were cold, J's scrambled egg was watery & the toast was soggy. We took one mouthful & decided this was not on. I went to complain & they gave us our money back, but only for the breakfast's. We were so disappointed. We will not be going there again.
Well ,on a brighter note the sun is shining, so we are going to have a cup of tea out the garden.
Have a good week-end, everyone.

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