The next day...

By Spiderboy


Pip is the lovely little "old" Spaniel we often look after. This picture was of her staying with us in March.
She arrived at our house this week for us to look after and was a shadow of her normal self. She had been poorly recently and needed peace and quiet....we could do that.
However as Wednesday came she became listless and wasn't eating any food. In consultation (via WhatsApp) with owners we took her to vet.
She was treated but didn't improve. Rang vet for advice that evening.....see how she goes....she didn't virtually all night.. Richard lifted her out to go toilet.
Back to vet....consultation with owners who by now where en-route home but over an hour away .....had to take her down road to a different vet that had "hospital" overnight facilities.
Checked her son found us there and had a lovely cuddle with her. Left her there and waited for the owners to come and collect her things.
An hour later they contacted us....the vet had called them direct and advised that there wasn't anything else they could do for her, but if they could get there to say their goodbyes then she would keep her comfortable until then.
They managed to get there and cuddle her whilst she went off to a peaceful final sleep.
We have been devastated, sad, just as much as if it had been our own dog.
She was a lovely dog....and why....I will never....never... want to be responsible for anyone else's animals or children again !!!!

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