
By FlyingPRGal

Beautiful Belmont Gardens

A lovely afternoon dodging the rain showers in the beautiful gardens of Belmont House and Gardens with mum and dad.

After we watched the house on the Antiques Roadshow recently I suggested a visit. The estate is part of the Kent Heritage Watch group and it was lovely to see my colleague Andrea at the tea rooms for a quick catch up.

My dad loved the foxgloves and roses in the walled garden and the huge varieties of trees in the Pinetum. Mum loved the roses too and the Kent ice cream.

I loved the walled gardens with the archways, a wall of red roses and plentiful white rose bushes. The kitchen garden reminded me of Alice in Wonderland. I’ve visited the house before for HW meetings but this was my first visit to the gardens.

The rain showers began just as we reached the greenhouses where we took shelter. Dad chose three plants to take home from the nursery, three for £12 what a bargain. We pledged to return to see the antique clocks another day as it was too humid for standing around inside the house on a tour.

I hope you had a lovely day if you were lucky enough to spend it with family. Thinking of loved ones whose dads are battling illness at the moment…Hug them tight.

For friends whose dads or husbands are no longer here hug your memories even tighter.

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