
By LooseCanon

Baby Apple

Hooray, I've got my 5D back. Canon emailed me yesterday to say it was ready. It was much quicker than I expected, mainly due to the Canon Professional Network that I joined after being tipped off by Bob20. It costs nothing to join and gives you expedited repairs & servicing.

The annoying thing is that they did 'extensive soak testing' but could find no fault. However they stripped it down, replaced the viewfinder screen which had got a mark on it, cleaned the sensor and recalibrated it.

I have been using it since and also cannot make it misbehave. All very odd but it does seem to be OK now.

One thing I have really missed with the NEX-6 is macro. So I put on the 100mm Macro lens and went looking for some bees & beasties in the garden. Unfortunately there were none in evidence as the blossom has gone and it is too windy. I rather liked the clarity of this shot which I had to shoot at high speeed because everything was waving around in the wind, This little flower will be an apple in the autumn.

Looks good LARGE

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