
By Beewriter

Water Dancer

After wasting yesterday I decided I had to do something today, so I went for a mooch in town. It was a gloriously sunny day and there is a vintage market in St Ann's Square. I have been very lax about swimming this week but I have enjoyed my lie ins. Carey came into town with me. I had thought of selling one of my cameras but when I went into the shop it wasn't really worth it so I will keep it as a back up. Unfortunately, this meant I had to carry two cameras and my telephoto lens around with me...I'm sure they get heavier every time I take them out.

Piccadilly Gardens was heaving, it was full of children running through the water fountains...and some adults. I was surprised how many children were allowed to strip to their underwear in this day and age. It is very sad really as they were having such fun but it is worrying. Some children had taken swimming costumes...if they are preparing to get wet then I would have chosen somewhere far nicer to do it.

The vintage market wasn't very good but we bought some sandwiches and sat in the sunshine and did some serious people watching. Then we had a lovely cuppa in Annie's before coming home. It was still sunny when I got home so I bought some ice lollies and raced down to Pat's hoping they wouldn't melt before I got there. We sat in the garden and enjoyed them.

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