Return to the North

By Viking

Not quite what I hoped for!

It has rained in and off all day today which is good (the garden needs it). It left droplets on the fading alliums so I had a go at photographing with the phone but too much background, so played with the new iPhoto feature of isolating the main focus and this was the result. Not quite what I wanted but it will have to do.
Another make do event… I’ve been sucked into replacing my car. I am a year out from finishing my deal but the cost of used cars is such that I have equity in my current model so I’ve decided to go for a new model. Lots of email to and fro’ing between me and VW and decided to go for a Petrel blue T-Roc 1.5L …. All good until they tell me that will be a 39 week delivery date!!!!! Not on your bloody nelly! So instead I’ve ordered a grey one which will pick up in August. When I mentioned the ridiculousness of ordering so far in advance the sales woman mentioned that some had already been waiting two years. Covid and the war in Ukraine affecting parts.

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