Gaia's Child

By maura143

National Pollinator Week Day 2

This Zebra Longwing aka Zebra Heliconian butterfly is Florida's State Butterfly. Adults feed on pollen as well as nectar and that enables them to produce substances which make their bodies toxic to potential predators. Its distinctive black and white wing pattern is 'aposematic' which means that it's designed to warn/ward off predators. Sadly, the spraying of naled, an insecticide used for controlling mosquitos in South Florida, has nearly decimated the Zebra Longwing population especially in Miami-Dade County. We're fortunate to see them in our yard as we have both nectar and larval food plants for them. 
*Pollinators like bees and butterflies are very susceptible to insecticides commonly used in yards and gardens. Encourage them to visit your space by planting flowering plants and plants that their caterpillars need to eat. 

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