
By Hugh1342

England day 3

Today we went to the white cliffs of dover when we got there me Henry and dad stayed in the car to watch the state of origin. At half time we went went down to the caffe where the girls were to get a hot chocolait. It was very tasty with with thw whipped cream of top. It was very hot and henry took one sip and burned his togue so he saved it till later.

When half time had finished we went up to the car with the hot chocaits. When we got in we thought it would be a good idea to put down the front seats put the lapyop on the seats amd watch from the back. But when i put down the seats they fired back and knocked Henrys hot chocolait everywhere thought the car it also burnes his legs. 

By the time mum and dad had cleaned it up we went on a hudge walk along the white cliffs of dover it took an hour to get to the light house at the end. When we were there Elizabeth said i should try box jump onto the table outside. It was very close but i dident make it and i smashed my shins on the table it hurt so much and still dose. After that we had to walk all the way back again with my legs aching with pain. So it was a pretty bad day for me Henry and the Blues.

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