
By Missycat

It's Abstract Thursday!

This abstract began life as a rose hair clip on a plastic plate, on a foot cushion, on an art folder - all pink as our regular host Ingeborg, set us the challenge of creating a 'Mono' abstract, an image in shades of a single colour.  Lots of things happened to my original photo, in PS Elements, not least because the original looked too much like a part of female anatomy :-)
I did like a solarised version of a near original - see extras.

In other news: the Bank of England has raised the interest rate by 0.5% to 5% which has caused real terror amongst those about to renew their mortgages.
It was confirmed that the Titanic submersible was destroyed in a catastrophic implosion and all 5 passengers are dead.

Today is Windrush Day, an anniversary first marked in 2018 and today marking 75 years since the first Caribbean people arrive at Tilbury Docks on the Empire Windrush.  I have written before about the injustice served to those people who were invited here to help remake Britain after WW2 and that has continued until recent times.  The news was filled with marvellous interviews with original immigrants, of whom there are a few still alive today, and their descendants.  A day of joyful celebrations tinged with sadness.

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