
By intothehills

Apologies Missy

I'll often tease Missy and say that making her hunt for her ball, usually when she's gotten so excited she's run off before it's even thrown, is making her exercise her weakest muscle. 


Having struggled, having most assuredly purred my plex, having finally gotten my assignment submitted.... Today I was simply not really with it.
Answered some emails, chopped up the logs the lovely village hall gave me, loaded up some Wellness Walks.... But.
Some days enough is enough. 

Philosophy Friday 

"Say Pooh why aren't you busy?" , I said. 
"Because it's a nice day" , said Pooh.
"But you could be doing something Important" , I said. 
 "I am" , said Pooh.
"Oh? Doing what?" 
"Listening", he said.
"Listening to what?"
"To the birds. And that squirrel over there." 
"What are they saying?", I asked.
*That it's a nice day'", said Pooh.
" But you know that already" , I said.
"Yes, but it's always good to hear that somebody else thinks so, too", he said.

The Tao of Pooh

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