
By ayearinthelife

Old Friends

With a combined age of over 400 years and a shared history of well over 100 years working for Barclays Bank, tonight was one of our rare “reunion” nights out. We used to go out for a drink regularly when we all worked together, but not so much nowadays - it’s amazing how difficult it is to find a date convenient for everyone when six out of the seven people pictured are retired and theoretically should have plenty of time on their hands!
It was a good night and the beer and conversation flowed smoothly. We even managed not to spend the entire evening reminiscing about the “good old days!” And, amazingly, we were able to agree on another night out next month. At this rate, it might even become a regular thing!
Of course, one thing that has changed from back in the day, is that people were starting to head home by 10.30pm and a few of us had been on non-alcoholic drinks all evening! Ah, the joys of growing old…

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