
By Toontrouble

Every cloud has a silver lining

They say that every cloud has a silver lining. A beautiful day started at 910am today and has just finished. Woke early to the sun blazing through the window,well as much as the English sun can blaze :-) To work early for a busy busy day. THat was abruptly stopped at 10am when I was among a few others who were told their jobs were at risk. Some cope better than others, work needed to go out the door so no time to dwell. By 5pm and no break I went off to buy my lottery tickets, then straight back to it. Just finished at 10pm, time to reflect and maybe this is the push needed to try something new. 4 jobs to apply for over the weekend, running to do, shopping to do, gardening to do. Worse things happen in the world than losing a job, obviously this pays my bills and gives me my little luxuries and of course allows me to watch my beloved Newcastle and enjoy my hard earned holidays but I know that something will turn up. Onwards and upwards, and I'm looking for that silver lining. Sorry for the ramblings but that's how today has rolled....

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