
By pandieb


A day of chores, interspersed with sitting down as it was so hot. I've  - unsurprisingly - caught the cold the man next to me on the plane had so am in that feeling not quite rough but not quite OK stage. 

I need to be fighting fit for next weekend so I decided cutting the hedge was less hard work than Parkrunning. How wrong I was. Especially as I followed it by cutting the grass.

A bit later Himself and I went to a friend's 50th birthday party. She'd booked a pub in town (London) and had a real mix of people from work, choir, previous jobs and friends not quite close enough for the 'Friends and Family' celebration last week. . It was good fun but I'm not sure I know how to socialise in big groups any more. We left quite early, using my cold and the fact we didn't want to get mixed up in the crowd leaving the  Pink gig in Hyde Park as an excuse. 

Tomorrow is allotment grass cutting (have you spotted the theme yet) and some logistics for the next few days, which are quite complicated.

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