
By Woolley

Honeysuckle hedge

I could stand by this bank all day and inhale the scent of the honeysuckle. Betsy is very good when asked to wait!

Had a daft day in that we had our cream tea concert and I was being given a lift at 11.45 and for some reason I chose to go an hour earlier having given the key to Fran so I had an hour to loiter which I did in the churchyard! I was on the jam and cream team so after doing a very small part of the rehearsal we disappeared to do the jamming. I was not the speediest and am very grateful that I never had to work on a production line! We all wore plastic aprons and gloves in a fetching shade of blue! There was only a short time between the end of rehearsal and the beginning of the concert and the heat was energy sapping!

The first piece was John Rutter, ASprig of Thyme which was a collection of folk songs which was very well received. An announcement had been made at the beginning requesting the audience to clap at the end of the whole piece rather than after each individual song!

The second piece was Andrew Carter, Benedicite which had a children’s choir joining us. It was a very atmospheric piece with music reflecting the wind and waves, sun and moon and stars, ice and snow, frost and hail! The children had the fun bits about all the animals praising the Lord which had very joyful music! Quite rightly the audience erupted into applause each time the children sang which was wonderful because they were very good with clear diction a tour de force at the end of which we scooted off to cream the jammed scones!

Was very glad to be able to go home with Alison rather than on the bus! Went to pick up the key and found Betsy with Fran and Bob and Digby. She had had a wonderful afternoon walking and swimming and frolicking about with Digby! I took her home to feed her and had then been invited to eat with Fran and Bob so felt like a very bad parent leaving her at home again! Tomorrow I go home to repack to go to my next dog sit!

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