
By ThisOldHouse

Kelly's boots

Michael Frayn's farce 'Noises Off' is a classic which we first saw over 20 years ago. It left a memorable impression. The London Old Vic's production is currently on tour and has been at Glasgow's King's Theatre this week. So, we couldn't miss the opportunity to see it again. A romp and a riot played by a highly skilled cast of actors, including our own Maureen Beattie.

For those unfamiliar with the 3 Act play, the programme notes were extremely helpful:
"There is an interval between Act One and Act One.
There is no interval between Act One and Act One."

All three Acts of Noises Off show three different performances of Act One of a play called 'Nothing On'. If you're still confused, go see it for yourself - it's very clever and a great laugh!

At the interval (between Acts One and One) we took the opportunity to see the bronze boots cast from Gerard Kelly's original Doc Martins, which sit on a small plinth just up from the foyer. "Hiya Pals" was unveiled last Monday on Kelly's birthday. Can't believe it's more than two years since he died, so young. It seemed fitting that we should be thinking of him while laughing our heads off at the King's! See Herald Scotland's report:

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