
By brambleblossom

Swedish Cabbage salad .

The only photo I’ve taken today , after receiving a very sweet voicemail request from our granddaughter, Florence. She really enjoys Swedish cabbage salad and thought it would go splendidly with pizza her daddy is making for tea.
I spent the morning playing around with soil and pots in the side garden. It’s on the wild side , just as I like it ! Some cheeky pink geraniums ,that survived the drought and our dreadful neglect , are peeping through the wild foliage and bringing joy as is the Lady’s Mantle .
As rain was expected, and did indeed arrive falling in sheets and creating torrents in the gutters, I headed to town to buy birthday cards , gifts etc.
After eating a mushroom curry , which Dave is currently making, we will head off for a river walk and see what the deluge has brought .
Happy Days xx

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