Return to the North

By Viking

New toy

Successful trip to Nelson today.

Have been fighting the urge to buy an IPad for some time- well basically since they came out. Mainly because I had a laptop so didn't see the need for one.
My sister then got a Kindle and while initially VERY cynical about reading books in a device rather than paper I was converted when she brought it over with her for me to try.
While considerably cheaper I didn't see the point in having a Kindle so today I took the plunge and bought..... An iPad mini. Small enough to use as a reading device, big enough to use as a tablet - just!

Also bought myself a pair of work trousers - meaning I now have two pairs! A bargain at 30% off!!! And then nipped into Farmers and bought a winter coat at half price.
Successful day all round. Now unfortunately I feel absolutely lousy and suspect I am coming down with the lurgy:-(

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