Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Cemetery Road

Mr. Garmin (our sat nav) directed us down Cemetery Road, so we expected a cemetery somewhere along the way.  As it turned out there were stones and grave markers that continued for about a quarter mile along the road.  We parked to have a look at the 200-year-old grave sites.  There's nothing this old where I live.  The cold, damp weather sent us back to the car pretty quickly, though.  Not the greatest shot, but it was the best of a bad lot.  My photo mojo has been missing today.  Check out BikerBear's blip for some nice images of our day. :-)

We were lucky that the there was no significant rain during our driving tour today, but there was enough to force us to put up the roof on our convertible several times.  Between the drops, though, we enjoyed the open air.  It was probably up and down at least 6 times!  When we got back to our cottage, it started again and really poured down, so our timing was perfect.  

It was another day of lovely scenery and great company. :-)

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