Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Slept badly last night because of my feet. They hurt. At first I didn't known if I would be able to get to work, but I thought the morning walk would wake me up a bit. It did, thankfully. 
When I came to work I talked to my boss about my feet and she told me she thought it a good idea to go to the 'Walk and run clinic' to get help. I think I'll do that on Saturday.

I continued with the tomatoes today, but I had a chair to sit on. The tomato plants were in a strange way... fully grown 'thieves' looking like the last of the main stem, some were crocked, some straight and some growing on the end of a branch with tomatos. I had to ask my boss about some of them, and I got the answer I thought, but I needed reassurance. And afterwards my fingers were the same colour as the grass... 

When we had our break, we heard a raven. First time I've heard a raven at the greenhouse and also my boss (which says more since she's been working there much longer than me). We talked about how beautiful and clever ravens are. I spotted it after a while and, saw it fly away when we got up to go inside. Not scared by us, mere mortals... just gliding away.
That did, however, inspire me to finish my aquarelle raven. 
Day off tomorrow and it feels good! 

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