On Some Days

By V1k1

Them There Eyes Billie Holiday

Cindy has five huskies she calls the 'old people' living around the house and yard.  They have retired from running.  They are friendly, loved to be stroked and spend time sleeping in the sun.  The younger Siberians live in a large fenced in area with a long race at the side.  In summer they are exercised early in the morning when it is still cool.  I didn't go inside the yard because they are curious and strong and Cindy thought they might knock me over :-)  There have to be extras because it was such a great visit: 1 two foresters discussing all things tree and land related, 2  the group photo, 3  Cindy pulling some fur out to help keep them cooler, 4 I brought little Ted from home and will make a photo book for Finn about what Ted did on his Alaskan holiday, 5 The lovely young visitor from Germany enjoying the sun and older huskie  

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