Too Late

This is the dining room at Hotel Colonia Puig, Montserrat. I was inspired by schuh and her outstanding shots from abandoned buildings. I followed her advice and looked up a few websites, where this abandoned hotel popped up. (I mentioned my great find here).

Today I decided to go back and enter the place, but it was a bit of a disappointment. You have to find the subject while there are still traces of life in there, like furniture, curtains, office equipment and such. This place has just been abandoned for too long, so I arrived way too late.

It wasn't all disappointments though! Just after entering, I heard voices. A bit creepy actually, but I decided to find out more. To my relief I spotted an elderly gentleman with a decent Nikon camera. I approached him to say hello and have a chat about shooting abandoned building. That's when I discovered his real subject! A youngish lady dressed in, well, nothing! I'm lying; she was actually wearing a red, transparent, silk scarf, just big enough to hide, well, nothing!

Safely back in the car on my way back, it struck me that I should have asked if I could "borrow" the model for a few shots. That would certainly have spiced up today's blip! Too late again!

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