
By sebrose

Reine des Bières

The day passes with items being crossed off a list. And the evening brings other tasks.

Megan is going to Kinghorn, I’m going to Coatbridge, Angus is going to the pub. So, I drive Megan to the Edinburgh Gateway and then head to Coatbridge, where I buy a very cheap bread maker.

I get to spend a few hours with Gordon and Sara in the delightfully naked Pumpherston. Sara has made an amazing sugo to top her pizzas. We sit in the garden, soaking up the last of the sun, munching pizza and drinking a beer.

This’s is a classic French beer. Strongish, malty and nothing like the more well known brewed-in-Britain imposters.

Several hours later, I’m in Biggar collecting Angus and friend. They’ve clearly had a fun night in the pub!

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