
By Ellem

Grown From Seed

Sweet peas grown from seed are beginning to flower. I love sweet peas, such pretty little flowered and that divine smell!!
Up early today to cycle to chub club (pound off, happy with that all things considered..)
Then after I got home and changed it was a quick trip round Morrisons to pick up some food to take to my sister P’s in Fife to celebrate her birthday. Spent a few hours there with the family and a fair bit of that time playing with my 4 year old grand niece E whose imagination is incredible. She’s off to school after the holidays, I hope they’re ready for her :-))
Headed home about 5 and considering that the Tay Bridge is reduced to one carriageway (until November) there was no significant congestion, just a slight queue heading over to Fife.
Popped into Morrisons again to pick up Apple Cider vinegar which I forgot to get this morning. We have a plague of fruit flies in the kitchen at the moment and a small dish with ACV and a drop or two of washing up liquid sorts them out pretty damn quick.

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