
By Houseonahill6

Then and now

We went to Chilham today. Visiting Badgers Hill Farm first for lunch. Really good food and cheap to, just £8.50 for lasagne with garlic bread and a huge salad.
We looked round the interesting garden centre and farm. The ducks were having fun in some water, the mini donkeys were very frisky, the sheep chilling in their shed and the goats very curious.
We then parked in the bottom carpark and walked up to the village of Chilham. Lots of interesting buildings. We remember going there way back in 1984 when we first started going out,The first photo in the collage is from my diary. We went for a very nice cream tea there and I remember sitting upstairs. It is no longer called The Copper Kettle though but still does cream teas, we had an icecream and sat outside.
We looked round the castle grounds. It was hot but there was a breeze so not as bad as it had been over the last few weeks thank goodness.
My favourite part was the walled garden filled with veg and flowers including lavender and huge hollyhocks .Mike and David walked round the lake while my Mum and myself sat and watched the garden busy planting new plants.We had a look round the church before heading home.
I was really tired so headed for bed at 7.30pm only to be called down half an hour later as my brother had popped up. I managed to stay awake for a few more hours :)

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