Extra Ordinary

By PhilippaJ


I stayed in bed until 15 mins before I was due on the beach at 10:30. I finished my book, caught up with the Tour de France day 1, then arose and went for a swim in in the bouncy waves. I have found a wonderful local artist on Instagram who presses seaweed to great effect. How hard can this be?? I have bought a flower press, first one I have owned since 1980 ( when we lived in a city flat with no flowers in sight) and collected these pretty seaweeds from the sea. All now duly in the press, I have no great hopes.

And then later, my second swim of the day was my evening swimming lesson. Proper love these sessions now, although still not the Sunday evening 6pm start. I have learnt lots and continue to struggle to put it into any type of consistent practice.

Shoved a load of Daisy’s stuff up into the loft. Loft club has taught me well, it will all come straight back down as soon as she finds her next house…

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