Ibanez Ibanotz

I spent the better part of the morning getting this fake Ibanez working. My guitar teacher gave it to me earlier in the week. To be honest, it is a piece of crap. I have however made it a lot less crappier after modifying it. For the muso's out there, I slacked of the springs on the floating tremolo bridge and made a block to place behind it to lock it off when the guitar is strung. I the went to the local guitar shop, and bought some cheap, lightweight electric guitar strings and restrung it.

After a considerable amount of fiddling and adjusting I managed to get the string lengths more or less correct and tune the guitar. As I type this it is 24 hours since I made the adjustments and the guitar is still in tune. Surprise.

I makes a completely different sound to my Les Paul which is good. It turned into a fun project that actually works.

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