
By FromDaCruiser

Fences make good neighbors??

I remember as a child how wonderful dandelions were. Such a happy yellow and then there was the puff ball that you could blow all over!

My Father usually responded to dandelions by taking one of my Mom's good knives, kneeling on the lawn, and cutting through the roots of the weeds.

Weeds! He said that like it was something bad!

Now that I'm old(er) I still love dandelions, although there are none in my lawn and we pull out the stragglers before they go to seed. I listen to various neighbors grumble about 'that yard' across the way that is rife with dandelions in various stages of bloom. I keep my laughter under control and nod with a serious face.


So while I was driving I came upon a similar situation: beautiful pink poppies that have seeded the next door neighbor's lawn. These people seem content to leave them for the time being.

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