Noodles with a View

Went hiking with labmates as we are in training for an attempt on Fuji-san later this year. The mountain we climbed was called nabewariyama, and at the top is a famous udon (noodle) shop. All the ingredients are hiked up the mountain, and one employee had made over 4000 ascents. They ask hikers to bring up 5 litre bottles of water to cook the noodles in. The interior is dark and filled with clutter, with old iron kettles on kerosene stoves and some bunks for hikers to stay in. The noodles are served piping hot in earthernware pots with mushrooms, onions, an egg, and vegetable tempura on top. It only costs 20%more than in Tokyo, which seems like a pretty good deal when you can look out on this :D

Bye Barbara

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