
By Ellem

Soya Latte

Had to get out of the house today to escape the racket from next door as the home alone 13 year old tormented the life out of their 2 dogs (7yr old spaniel, 3 month old Rottweiler puppy…) so I headed to Tesco and had a nice coffee and enjoyed the relative peace. She chases them around barking and snarling at them - on the trampoline usually but it was raining today so indoors instead.
I’ve found myself annoyed quite a bit these last few days - by the folk who dumped a van and a car in our street and buggered off for the weekend with the folk from round the corner who regularly park their cars outside our house despite having a double drive! I know I don’t have any legal claim to a parking space at my front door but you’d think in a cul de sac of 6 houses it wouldn’t be a problem. Just common courtesy not to park in front of someone’s house really.
Other minor annoyances include the traffic on the local trunk road because the rat run is closed for two weeks for resurfacing and I’ve no option but to use it if I need to go out.
Oh and there’s next door’s highly irritating security camera announcing ‘Hi, you are currently being recorded’ every time anything (their dogs, their cat, the local fox) crosses in front of it…. There, that’s better lol Really need tomorrow to be dry so I can cycle all the annoyances off :-))

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