Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Art Kit,

Another wet morning so we decided not to head too far today. We went to the Gallery of Modern Art, John Watson's if you're an Edinburger!
we started with a bowl of soup in the café then had a wander.
This blip is of the art space on the top for. A free family art kit which includes a blanket! You are asked to return the box, the blanket and something else which I can't remember as I was eavesdropping at the time!
The kit can be used throughout the gallery and there are also two rooms laid out with tables and chairs for children to be creative. Which were boxing with the sounds of children having fun. I think I'll be visiting with our two older girls over the holidays. It looks great and the staff were very friendly and welcoming.
The extra amused me. My sister was bemoaning the loss of hers, which she had had since we cleared my parents house in 1985-goodness knows how long we had had it before that I'm sure I remember it as a child. Anyway, this one is enormous, the blurb, which is rather unsettling suggests the hollow is waiting for a human to fill the space. The stuff of nightmares!
Talking of which, I was rather disturbed in the exhibition, to see two examples of 'photographic art' depicting real life self harm. There was a warning notice nearby giving details of the Samaritans. Apparently the pieces, but different artists, were purchased in 1997 (if I recall correctly) I think if asked I would have to say, Not in my name!
This evening we had a vestry meeting. I managed to get really cold again, so enjoyed a nice hot bath when I got home. I would like summer back please!

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