Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS


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For the past few weeks I have been looking (not too hard, in truth) for a couple of new pullovers. Another pre-holiday purchase. These turned out to be, perhaps unsurprisingly given the time of year, remarkably rare on the shelves of what remaining high street retailers there are. Any that I did see didn't take my fancy.

A meeting in Falkirk on Thursday was followed by another quick waft around the shops. Then a trip was made to the large garden centre near Stirling that has several franchise outlets within and adjacent. Still no success. However it was while I was enjoying my free store card coffee and not so free piece of cake that the obvious answer to my quest was just a few miles away.

Why hadn't I thought of the Scottish Wool Centre in Aberfoyle before now? The man's an idiot, that's why. Next stop Aberfoyle. More woolly jumpers than one can shake a stick at. An awful lot of tartan tat too, but it wasn't hard to resist that assault on the eyes and ears. Job done. Jumpers bought. Another tick on the holiday planning list.

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