
By Tryfan46

Allotment Update - June 2013

Slowly, ever so slowly, stuff is beginning to grow. Well behind what it should be, but at last there is promise of a harvest to come.

This was the first time at the allotment since 13th May, having been away and last week being a write-off in terms of the weather. We were suprised at how good the ground looked. A couple of hours weeding and tidying soon brought back to good heart.

Sowed some runner beans and climbing french beans. Have some seedlings of both in the greenhouse at home but was persuaded to harden them off before planting them out. Same with courgettes and other vegetables which have been grown at home.

Spent the morning at home sorting out the garden and greenhouse before going to the allotment. Pricked out some celeriac as well as moving plants out of the greenhouse to harden off! Cleared ivy and other growth from our neighbours off our shed. Will have to approach one of them as their fence is rotting and falling in on our greenhouse, but he can't see it as it is behind a tall unruly hedge.

Back garden is looking good, lawn nice and green and lush and beds in good fettle.

If you'd like to see previous images of the allotment from the same camera postion click for 4th March, 9th April and 1st May.

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