Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Huddersfield A - Z - Over the Top

This is the good old M62, star of every traffic bulletin, crossing over the Pennines at its highest point, 1221 feet above sea level.

If it's behaving itself, I can get from my front door to Manchester or Leeds in less than half an hour. It rarely behaves itself, especially the stretch around Huddersfield which is one of the most congested sections of motorway in the country.

This was the first section completed in the early 70s, and just to the right of where I was standing is Stott Hall Farm - sometimes called The Little House On The Prairie, where the engineers had to split the carriageways around a farm (for geological reasons, NOT because farm owner would't sell). The sheep happily graze whilst articulated lorries thunder by. To build this section, 12 million cubic yards of solid rock and peat had to be removed and dumped on the surrounding hills.

I have dithered about a song, 2468 Motorway? Highway Star? Highway to Hell? I settled on this.

Large is good.
Happy sunny Sunday.

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