
By soozaday

Please Drive Down Below to be Loaded…

Or not. We can also bring the loader to you. A big scoop of bark, for the garden paths. We’re finally getting around to replacing some of the stuff that washed away over the winter. The supply yard is always dusty and noisy, trucks coming and going, most of them much bigger than our little pickup. You can buy various sizes of rocks, several kinds of mulch, paving stones and flagstone. An odd array of stuff, and it isn’t cheap. Well, nothing is anymore. I am such an old person, full of the memories of what things used to cost. And if it’s not that, it’s some body part gone wrong, needing fixing, replacement or repair.  To lighten the mood we stopped at the plant store on the way home and bought a few colorful things for my little shady plot out back. I’m enjoying fixing up that little corner.

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