
By Anniemay

Favourite Books

The challenge topic for today is favourite books. I thought I might as well blip all the fiction books I own. These three books are my entire library of fiction. The God of Small Things and The Catcher in the Rye are the only two books I have read more than once and will still read again and Possession is the book I most enjoyed reading out of all the hundreds of books I must have read. It might seem strange that I haven't read Possession more than once but that's because I'm afraid to. I'm afraid that I won't enjoy it as much second time around and that will diminish my original pleasure.

I love books. I can't imagine life without them, so some might find it odd that I only own three. When I acquired my Kindle I gave the rest of my fiction books away to a local hospice charity shop and freed up my shelves for other things. I hear people say all the time 'it's not the same reading books on an eReader' or 'I like the feel of a real book'. For me a work of fiction is just that. The author didn't actually physically write the words you are reading on the page of the copy of the book you happen to have bought. The book is just a reproduction of the words that came from his or her head. It makes no difference at all how those words are conveyed to you so why not have hundreds of books, hundreds of thousands of words from many different authors all on one little device that you can carry with you wherever you go. I find it a joy to be able to do that. My Kindle is one of my most treasured possessions (I love it even more than my camera).

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