The Coronation Jubilee

On the diamond jubilee of our Queen's Coronation, I thought I should blip this embroidery that my mother did for me 60 years ago to commemorate Coronation Day, 2nd June 1953.

On that day, so I was told, they fixed red, white and blue bunting round the hood of my pram. (From what I hear of the weather that day, it sounds as though the hood would have been up!) Post-war, non-aggressive patriotism was acceptable sixty years ago. I still think Queen Elizabeth II does a grand job and I admire her lifelong commitment to the hand fate dealt her.

My mother apologised for the less than perfect quality of her embroidery. She had already worked a commemorative coronation sampler in counted-thread cross-stitch and was beginning to weary of needle and thread by the time she did this one for me. I still treasure it though, and always loved the bright colours. Times change. But I love this colourful historical tribute, albeit mainly for the work my mother lovingly put into it.

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