Hill Top Ramblings

By janepetleyjones

Yellow Rattle

July the 7th. A significant date. Every year the Lime trees along the drive come into flower on this date. Every year it starts to rain for three weeks or so, so the honeybees miss out on gathering the delicious honey.
Not this year though. As I mentioned about a month ago, the Lime came into flower really early. And we were having a heatwave. I may have to review my calendar! I had a look in the hives today and it seems there is honey to gather, I will hope some of it is the wonderful green gold.
I gathered some yellow rattle seed as well, some for my sister and some for Holme Park, as theirs is only just starting to get established.
Also, today is world chocolate day, being the date in 1555 when chocolate was first introduced into Europe. A great day for all theobromine lovers!!

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