
By TrishaR

She’s Home and very pleased!

Today we went into town and it was a gorgeous day , for a time, but by mid afternoon the rain started.

Had been texting with mum for a while and she said Jody her nurse told her 1 am. I wasn’t sure this was right as we had to wait on pharmacy and eventually we did get the call that she was ready to go. The discharge slip , the blister pack meds, the two different antibiotics for the gall bladder issue (that she went in with), a small bottle of liquid morphine (only to be used if in pain) and a syringe to take it. She was so happy to be going home. She preferred Ward 7 (admissions) to Ward 10 where she was last night. I must say all the staff in Ninewells were absolutely brilliant with their care and attention to Mum, and enjoyed good banter.

We had a good journey home with our usual banter and laughs. Usually getting on to me for fussing!

Got her settled in her chair, took some risotto out of the freezer, made a cuppa, emptied her hospital bag, a general sorting out and you know, she was just like her usual self.

We had a matter of fact chat about the diagnosis- how she prob had the gall bladder issue for a while, and how she had said earlier this year that she wouldn’t see another Christmas and she was right! S said that she’d been saying this every year for years and would have to be right at some stage! I asked if she had time to process what was happening and how she felt, and she just said that she ‘had to go sometime’! Being where she is, she sees a lot of people coming then Going. She’s lost good friends lately that are younger and maybe that makes you aware that it will soon be your time.

Because we missed Christmas this year due to bloody Covid I said we will have a Christmas dinner soon and you can give us presents !

Anyway, that’s it. She just looks her usual self and it’s fabulous to see. How long this will last is unknown but let’s take one day at a time.

Ps. Thank you lovely people that left me a message . For someone that’s not too active on the commenting front it was much appreciated and very kind.

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