A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Carnival Time

Today I took Matilda down to the Northallerton Carnival where there were a few sideshows and stalls. Last year there were only 2 classic cars on show, this year there were 3! Onwards and upwards... 

The best part of the day was seeing the Trailblazers (Living History) Cowboys. I posted this image on the Men's Shed WhatsApp group and another member recognised the chap on the right. Apparently the Shedder also did cowboy reenactments in Cornwall 25 years ago and 'Slim' was a member with him. Small world. 

In extras I've added a collage of some of the day. We were parked beside an Army Reserve stand where folk were encouraged to try out the modern day kit. My Men's Shed had a stall selling our wears including some of my stained glass characters. I hear they did well. 

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