
By MsQuizzical

Separating The Weet (Weet) from the (Chiff) Chaff

I was attracted by the calls of this bird while I was macro togging and immediately returned to the house to get my long lens.

Such a delicate little thing, scrambling around in the top of a field maple catching insects. I am not a birder but have been shooting sedge warblers recently so I am pretty sure it's a warbler. I am going to stick my neck out and guess that it's a chiff-chaff. My pic has caught it in a rather ungainly pose but demonstrates the tail-wagging. (Don't like the 'hand of man' electric cable either.) In India they are called tailwaggers. It doesn't help that willow-warblers, with which they are often confused, flick their tails. Ah, but 'riff-raffs have dirty legs', as does my leaf warbler.

I have heard the song in this area of my property but they weren't singing today, the family was just calling to one another. Pretty sure they're John Clare's Pettichaps. Thoughts?

I love it that collybita is Greek for 'money-changer', it's song is meant to sound like jangling coins. :)

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