
By Wildwood


There is a collection of signs at the entrance to our block long street. The top one appeared after the Glass Fire in2020 and there is a contingent of neighbors who feel that it has served its purpose and should be taken down. The houses have all been rebuilt that are going to be rebuilt, and we had the wettest winter on record last winter and there was no flooding. All it does now, they contend, is lower the property values. I just think it's a bit of an eyesore, but the only way it will be taken down is if someone takes matters into their own hands....

Too bad we can't do that with the surface of the street which hasn't been replaced since the street was put in in the 60's and is slowly disappearing under the onslaught of heavy trucks and earth moving equipment. They are 'beautifying' the Fountaingrove  Parkway, which was ground zero for the Tubbs fire, installing elaborate irrigation systems in the median and parking strips, new street lights and undergrounding the power lines. Seems like  we deserve a new road surface, but this is the county and nobody seems to do much of anything here. It is a tiny little. forgotten county street at the conjunction of State Highway12, and city streets.

Coming back up the driveway I noticed a piece of plastic tape tied around a fencepost...part of some firefighters' communications with each other, but I haven't taken that off either. We all stop seeing things after awhile....
I didn't sleep well last night for some reason, and am trying not to let grumpiness overtake me. It's amazing how tired one can get doing practically nothing except administer meds four times a day and and going for stately walks on the lead around the back yard.  

The boy is doing better every day, going up and down the three outside  stairs now, and contemplating  jumping up on the couch. He is even having some clever ideas about how to navigate with his cone. He runs it along the ground like a snowplow, scooping up his Kong or his treats. He usually follows me down the hall with his nose against the back of my leg. Now I'm wearing sweatpants to protect my calves from the sharp edges of the cone. We'll all be happy when we get to take the cone off....

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