
By Beewriter

Gimme Five!

It was the Manchester Day Parade today. Jude and I went into town to see the fun. I have hankered after a fisheye lens for a while now and I thought the parade would be a good initiation into fisheye pics so I went to Jessops. Sadly they didn't have any in stock, happily I didn't spend a fortune.

The theme this year was Wish You Were Here. There were some weird and wonderful costumes and some great music and I took loads of pics and I couldn't decide which one to use today, but I loved this lad giving the crowd high fives.

When the parade finished the party atmosphere continued in Albert Square. The music was throbbing, the drinks were flowing, the food was sizzling, the sun was shining and the crowds were just loving the day.

Manchester Day Parade

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