
By MReid

EB Silliness

Stayed in today for various reasons.  Mostly because it was occasionally pouring, and consistently windy.  Secondly, because the window installers came.  The company had phoned yesterday to say could they come today, because of a cancellation.  Well why not.  So some stuff was shifted yesterday, and more today.  And thirdly, I finally undertook the task of replacing the drawcord on the bedroom curtains, which have been non-drawing for over two years.  And it took me most of the day.  Curtains off, curtain rod down, figuring out how to thread the cord, curtain rail tested as working, curtain rail up but not working, problem figured out, curtain rail down, curtain rail up, curtains on, curtains working.  Lots of up and down on the ladder, genteel cursing, dropping of screws and bolts, etc etc.

I'll miss my wonky-glass windows, they've been on the house 140 years, but they're starting to rot out and fall apart.  But I won't miss the current back door, which is not that old but is also falling apart.

Oh and the blip.  The moth-eaten skein of yarn and the stones again.

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