Brighter day

It was a brighter day all round today. The weather was better, Pete and Sarah visited and Rafi was happier.
Rafi fancied some coke this morning, so we walked in Tadworth village to go to the shop. He chose Fanta fruit twist instead and some magic stars and I made the mistake as of putting the bottle on his lap, he wanted to drink it there and then and was trying his hardest to get the lid off! I did let him try a magic star broken into pieces which he enjoyed.
I tried thickeners in his drinks today which seems to have helped, he didn't seem to mind thickened Fanta or tea! He also had a puréed roast dinner and some lemony dessert. I have to discourage him from saying 'yum yum' after every mouthful so that he concentrates on swallowing!
Rafi actually said today that he was happy, I think the food must be helping ( and the medication). He still says many times a day that he wants to go home and wants his own bed, but he seems to listen now when I explain that he's only here temporarily until he's stronger and that I'm not leaving him.
My blip is of the sensory garden in the grounds of Tadworth Court with my accommodation in the background.

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